This is about Jessica Hodge and her beautiful baby boy Joey (Joseph) who died on Sunday August 16th 2015 of what is believed to be SIDS. (Sudden infant death syndrome). Jessica reached out to Scanner Group LLC with a desperate plea to find her missing cell phone that held the most precious photos of her baby Joey.
“please if anyone sees a white s3 please give it back i will give it to you but please let me get my pictures off please my son died today he was only 3 months old please i don’t care who you are or what you do with my phone but please give it back i have to bury my baby boy. no questions asked please my son means so much more than who ever you are..please you can have the phone ill even give you the password but please let me have the pictures of my sweet baby boy please i’m begging you my missing phones # is _____ please keep calling it”
Well, we are more than ecstatic to report that our amazing community of over 21,000 members did just that. We rallied together, called that number, left voice messages and text messages with hopes they would be answered. Finally one amazing Member Jen Mobbs got through. She spoke with a young man, and explained the situation and he agreed to return the phone. Jen picked it up immediately and returned it to Jessica.
What an amazing community we have, with such caring, and loving people.