Bill on Justice
& Law Enforcement
Bill Froehlich, 30 Year
Law Enforcement Veteran
Scanner Group Feature Column

About Bill’s Scanner Group Column
Scanner Group often reports on and discusses events and community concerns that have detailed Law Enforcement issues involved. We have long wanted information from a Law Enforcement Expert. Active Law Enforcement can not fill that roll for many reasons including conflict of interest. To meet that need, we have brought on a guest columnist. William “Bill Froehlich” is a 30 year Law Enforcement Veteran with extensive education, experience and knowledge in policing, management and psychology. He is also an accomplished Police Officer and K-9 trainer. Read on to learn a little more about Bill’s background, interests and see some fun photos. Each article posted will be posted to this page, as well as Jackson & Josephine County Scanner Groups.
Burglary vs Robbery – Oregon Law
Robbery vs Burglary by Bill Froehlich from the Column "Bill on Justice" on Scanner Group Many times, I have heard people say they have been “robbed”. This is communicated by possibly saying; “ Someone broke into my house and robbed me.” When someone breaks...
Vehicle Burglaries During the Christmas Season
Vehicle Burglaries During the Christmas Season: Protect Yourself by Bill Froehlich from the Column "Bill on Justice" on Scanner Group There is too much giving to the bandit of our hard earned money and property, especially around Christmas time. Why is...
Reporting Crimes to Dispatch & Law Enforcement
Reporting Crimes to Dispatch & Law Enforcement by Bill Froehlich from the Column "Bill on Justice" on Scanner Group Today, we are going to discuss an example of “WHAT” has occurred, and what to do about it. You come home to find your front door glass...
Reporting Vehicles to Law Enforcement
Reporting Vehicles to Law Enforcement by Bill Froehlich from the Column "Bill on Justice" on Scanner Group Save the Vehicle Information Card on this page to your phone to have a quick guide on what information to collect immediately after an incident. Key...
Reporting Suspects to Law Enforcement
Reporting Suspects to Law Enforcement by Bill Froehlich from the Column "Bill on Justice" on Scanner Group Save the Suspect Information Card on this page to your phone to have a quick guide on what information to collect immediately after an incident. Key...