Who, What, Where, Why, When – Scanner Group
You may have been given this page because you have questions about the policies, why they are the way they are, or about who gets the privilege of setting them. Thanks for reading. Last Count Aug 2019: Approximately 25 groups and 140,000 members. The...Thank you Scanner Group Admins
Thank you to the Scanner group admins, and Modarators Over the years of Scanner group’s existence we have seen a number of changes, and improvements. As of recently we have had members of the communities we serve come up to us and thank us for our service. It has been...
Country Crossing Vendors Unpaid
Most Small Vendors at Country Crossings 2018 Left Unpaid & The Organization is Unresponsive The good times at Country Crossings this summer, with great country artists, family, friends, beer, wine, food and good times just became tainted by financial chaos. ...Mail Tribune Political Motivations and Accuracy Questioned
Scrutiny over Mail Tribune, Ashland Daily Tidings and Rosebud Media’s political motivations & endorsements by Ryan Mallory, Scanner Group, Volunteer Campaign Mgr for Bill Froehlich and Measure 15-181 Right to Bear Arms (and YES, I absolutely do volunteer my...
Burglary vs Robbery – Oregon Law
Robbery vs Burglary by Bill Froehlich from the Column “Bill on Justice” on Scanner Group Many times, I have heard people say they have been “robbed”. This is communicated by possibly saying; “ Someone broke into my house and robbed...
Vehicle Burglaries During the Christmas Season
Vehicle Burglaries During the Christmas Season: Protect Yourself by Bill Froehlich from the Column “Bill on Justice” on Scanner Group There is too much giving to the bandit of our hard earned money and property, especially around Christmas time. Why...
Reporting Crimes to Dispatch & Law Enforcement
Reporting Crimes to Dispatch & Law Enforcement by Bill Froehlich from the Column “Bill on Justice” on Scanner Group Today, we are going to discuss an example of “WHAT” has occurred, and what to do about it. You come home to find your front...
Reporting Vehicles to Law Enforcement
Reporting Vehicles to Law Enforcement by Bill Froehlich from the Column “Bill on Justice” on Scanner Group Save the Vehicle Information Card on this page to your phone to have a quick guide on what information to collect immediately after an incident. Key...
Reporting Suspects to Law Enforcement
Reporting Suspects to Law Enforcement by Bill Froehlich from the Column “Bill on Justice” on Scanner Group Save the Suspect Information Card on this page to your phone to have a quick guide on what information to collect immediately after an incident. Key...
Brandonlee – Fall VictimPhoenix High School
[show_wp_shopping_cart] Brandonlee Roy is an AP student at Phoenix High School. He is in French 4, plays the guitar and is liked by all. On March 2, 2016, Brandonlee made a horrible mistake. He was playing on the roof at Phoenix High School. ...
Roseburg, Oregon Shooting Victims Memorial
Memorial to Lost Citizens and Thank You to First Responders On October 1st 2015 dispatch got calls of an active shooter on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg Oregon. With an entire state in shock, everyone was trying to figure out why such a horrendous...
Grieving Mothers Plea Copy
A COMMUNITY COMING TOGETHER This is about Jessica Hodge and her beautiful baby boy Joey (Joseph) who died on Sunday August 16th 2015 of what is believed to be SIDS. (Sudden infant death syndrome). Jessica reached out to Scanner Group LLC with a desperate plea to...
Galice Miners & Oath Keepers Rally at BLM Office
At about 11:50am I drove down Biddle to meet a friend and observe the Oath Keepers / Galice Miners’ Rally at the BLM (U. S. Bureau of Land Management) Office in Medford.

Public Safety Prevails, A Hard Day
On March 16, 2015 at approximately 4pm, a report came in of a man in a kevlar bullet proof vest with a rifle assumed armed and dangerous.

NO-TAG Medford Operational Success!
Scanner Group Volunteers completed the NO-TAG Medford clean-up of 17 graffiti yesterday! You can check out the custom map we used for organizing – it includes pictures and pins for MOST of the sites.

Launch of NO-TAG Medford Campaign
Medford Tagging & Graffiti on the Rise: A plan for turning negative actions into positive changes via community outreach and an experiment in reform in Medford, Oregon & Jackson County.

Scanner Group Finds Missing 9 Year Old Girl
On a cold evening in January 26, 2015, administrators of Jackson County Scanner Group heard a call go out for all available units of Medford PD to respond to knock on doors in a West Medford neighborhood to aid in searching for a missing 9 year old girl. Admins...