Volunteer for Citizen Patrol
Report A Location Needing Patrols
Scanner Group on Citizen Patrols
General Philosophies for Organizing Citizen Patrols
Non-Emergencies: 541-776-7206
Citizen Patrol Members are not vigilantes, and should not assume the role of the police. Their duty is to talk to people, be visible, ask neighbors to be alert, be observant and caring—and to report suspicious activity or crimes immediately to the police. Each member acts on his/her own and is responsible for his/her own safety. This is a grass roots effort, not a legal organization or government program. There is no insurance and even leadership are simply caring volunteers. You are insured as well as you have insured yourself if you are hurt while patrolling. Of course concealed & open carry are both legal and welcome for your personal protection. Potential bad situations could happen by confronting criminals directly. You are acting alone while there, so be safe.
- REDUCE CRIME THROUGH VISIBILITY & SAFETY by being seen around Jackson County.
- HELP OUR COMMUNITY when potential problems arise, by reporting to Law Enforcement (LE).
- INCREASE AWARENESS of potential threats through communications with neighbors, Patrol Group and Scanner Group.
There are no specific times scheduled. Our county needs the most help at night, but crimes happen during the day too. You pledge when you can and show up for how long you can. Checking in and introducing yourself to citizens & seniors helps them feel safe.
- REGISTER BELOW to be a part of the private Facebook group. After you have been vetted and accepted, you will be able to see problem areas where Citizens have asked for patrols. Watch your message requests, so you see the message with the link. We will contact you that way.
- WALK & DRIVE: Take a spin around a problem area or your hood regularly. Walk your dog or hang out. The Idea is to touch each potential problem location reported as many times as the group can. Take your time, be friendly and get to know the citizens.
- TELL THEM why you are out. It helps get them involved, feel safer and also get’s the word out to criminals. If you would like to escort or assist seniors or fragile citizens to and from cars, that is welcome if they individually welcome it.
- WATCH: Watch for the following potential threats. A notebook, pen and cell phone camera could be handy if you see something that you think should be reported. Introduce yourself to people if you feel safe doing so, and tell them you are part of the local Citizens Patrol. The seniors feel safer and the criminals are less likely to think there are opportunities to.
- REPORT: If you observe a crime, suspicious behavior or a safety problem, report it to LE immediately by phone. If you are willing to take photos or videos if you can or write some notes while it is fresh. DO NOT approach the criminal. Let neighbors in the area know of any potential threat immediately after after LE. If you know first aid, that is also a plus, but not required. Take no offensive action EVER.
- SHARE: Come back to the Patrol group on Facebook after your patrol. leave a brief note. What you saw, how long you were there, any photos and descriptions of potential problems also should be reported to the office to keep them informed and safe. That way other Citizen Patrol Members can watch out for the same issues. If you reported a crime, post it to Scanner Group so the Citizens know about the problem.
Actio Enim Amor Patriae
(Passionate Action for Love of Country)