The City of Talent is Attempting to Reduce Fire Funding that affects all County Residents.
Learn how the proposed Talent Urban Renewal Agency plan affects YOU & Send YOUR opinion to Talent City Council by 11:00pm 8/15/22 using the form on this page.
The information below was provided in a mailer sent to local residents by Jackson County Fire District 5. The online opinion form is provided by Scanner Group, in the interest of making citizen input more convenient. The form submissions from this page will be delivered to the Talent City Council, Talent City Recorder, the Fire District 5 Board and the Jackson County Commissioners before the Talent City Council Meeting to adopt the new Urban Renewal plan affecting Fire, Police and other department funding that affects Talent and it’s neighbors in Jackson County.
12-PART SERIES: TURA & Talent History of Mismanagement
Published to Facebook, but you do not need a login to view this publich group.
Episode 1: How did the Talent Urban Renewal Agency spend YOUR money?
Episode 2: Do you pay more property tax on an empty burnt out lot or a newly buil?t home valued at $380,000?
Episode 3: While TURA was paying out $18,500 a month, who was the City of Talent paying $11K+ monthly?
Episode 4: What do the Jackson County Commissioners say about the Talent Urban Renewal Scheme?
Episode 5: What’s the rush? Why does Talent Council want to pass the Urban Renewal Scheme now?
Episode 6: How many people will the Urban Renewal decision in Talent affect?
Episode 7: Has the Talent Urban Renewal Agency (TURA) been transparent to the public?
Episode 8: Is the Talent Urban Renewal Agency ready to supervise an urban renewal fund at this time?
Episode 9: What was missing from the Audit report presented at the TURA meeting March 1, 2022?
Episode 10: What will the Talent City Manager say about the proposed Urban Renewal Plan?
Episode 11: Did the Talent Urban Renewal Agency demonstrate oversight and due diligence?
Episode 12: How do you feel about the new Urban Renewal Plan?