WATCH the 4/1/2021 Medford City Council Meeting Live from 6pm-8pm:
- Watch @ The City of Medford Live Meeting Link
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- Watch on RVTV Online Broadcast Backup Link
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- Watch RVTV Government Channel 14/181 on Cable
- View the 4/1/21 Medford City Council Agenda
AN ORDINANCE amending Sections 5.257 and 5.990 of the Medford Municipal Code relating to prohibited camping, lying and sleeping on publicly-owned and publicly‑controlled property.)
As of March 30, 2021 @ 1PM we had facilitated 4301 letters demanding the closure of the Bear Creek Greenway to Camping.
The letters were, and are continuing to be delivered to the Medford City Council & Jackson County Board of Commissioners by email. At 1:00pm on 3/30/21, we took a snapshot of the first 4117 Letters and analysed them and published a full digest of the individual comments below.
View the Executive Summary (.pdf)
Read the Individual Comments (text)
Click the graphic below to look closer.
Please LIKE the "Greenway Recovery Project" on Facebook!
HAVEN’T SENT YOUR LETTER YET? Please use the form below!
“I live in Jackson County, and am concerned about the current state of affairs relative to community safety, fires, criminal activities, hard drug use, general refuse and human waste on the Bear Creek Greenway. I support the City of Medford Town Council and Jackson County Board of Commissioners passing new ordinances or strengthening existing laws to support enforcement of no camping laws within the Medford City limits and County borders. Please move forward in helping people currently camping on the Greenway find available services and enforce no camping policies so the Greenway can recover and be used by all local citizens and visitors again.”
How else CAN YOU HELP Save the Bear Creek Greenway you ask?
Bear Creek Stewards:
Earth Day Cleanup Event
Saturday, April 17, 2021
A collaboration of individuals and organizations that promote a thriving Bear Creek Greenway corridor through the convergence of art, environmental stewardship and recreation.
Bear Creek Greenway Foundation Volunteers: There are a variety of volunteer opportunities on the Greenway.
Greenway Hosts are the eyes, ears, and face of the trail, providing feedback to trail managers about trail activity and maintenance concerns and providing information and assistance to trail users.
General volunteers tackle minor maintenance work on the trail and/or help with special events and outreach. They will be contacted by the volunteer coordinator or jurisdiction when work is needed, or can propose projects they’re interested in to trail managers.
Jackson County Greenway Volunteers: Greenway Hosts, Adopt-a-Greenway Sponsors, and General Volunteers doing Litter pick up, Graffiti removal, Native tree and shrub removal, Landscape maintenance, Remove invasive plants, Rake leaves, Replace signs, and Other projects as approved.
Other Groups that Support the Greenway: Includes cycling, walking, running, seniors, disabilities recreation and more. General Volunteers.
City of Medford Greenway Volunteers: Refers to the couny page for volunteers.
WHO IS DOING THIS? This effort was organized by a large group of local residents, families and businesses in the area. We do not wish harm on homeless or transient people. We have expectations for safety, order and protection of our natural and man-made resources where we live. We can encourage and support Rogue Retreat and efforts like the City of Medford Homeless Camp and mental health services, including addiction treatment. We think the trail is a dangerous place for homeless people that need a hand up. The webpage space and some resources were provided by ThiefHunter Labs, the Scanner Group community service operator in the interests of area residents being voicing their opinion for the betterment of the community.
WHAT WILL BE SENT & TO WHOM? The statement of support IN RED on this page will be included in each email. Each email will come from your email and must include information for the public record to be counted and taken under advisement by your Government Officials. It will be sent to the Medford City Council, Mayor and the Jackson County Board of Commissioners. You may also optionally add your own comments to the statement using this form. Both will be sent to the following addresses:
© 2021 Greenway Recovery Project on Facebook & ThiefHunter Labs. Maintained & Hosted by Oregon Marketing Pros.